ࡱ> @B?%` bjbjٕ ;0 ,<NNNNNSSSPRRRRRR$h1tvSvNNk,,, NNP,P,,,NB g,0,:,,S>,,$SSSvv" SSSd v dv  NEIU Critical Thinking Rubric* (revised on 10/23/06)  Quality Criteria No/Limited Proficiency (1 point)Some Proficiency (2 points)Proficiency (3 points)High Proficiency (4 points)Rating (1,2,3,4pts)1. Identifies & explains ISSUESFails to identify, summarize, or explain the main issue. (AND/OR) Represents the issues inaccurately or inappropriately.Identifies main issues but does not summarize or explain them clearly or sufficiently.Identifies, summarizes, and briefly explains the main issues, but fails to mention any implicit issues.Clearly identifies, summarizes, and explains main issues and identifies embedded or implicit issues, addressing their relationships to each other.2. Recognizes stakeholders and CONTEXTS (i.e., cultural/social, educational, technological, political, scientific, economic, ethical, personal experience)Fails to accurately identify and explain any empirical or theoretical contexts for the issues. (OR) Presents problems as having no connections to other conditions or contexts.Shows some general understanding of the influences of empirical and theoretical contexts on stakeholders, but does not identify any specific ones.Correctly identifies the empirical and most theoretical contexts relevant to the main stakeholders.Correctly identifies the empirical and theoretical contexts relevant to the main stakeholders, and identifies minor stakeholders and contexts showing the tensions or conflicts of interest among them.3. Frames personal responses and acknowledges other PERSPECTIVESFails to formulate a personal point of view and fails to consider other perspectives. Formulates a vague personal point of view and/or vague alternative points of view.Formulates a clear personal point of view and considers some other perspectives.Formulates a clear personal point of view and addresses relevant perspectives successfully.4. Identifies & evaluates ASSUMPTIONSFails to identify and evaluate any of the important assumptions behind the claims and recommendations made.Identifies some of the most important assumptions, but does not evaluate them for plausibility or clarity. Identifies and briefly evaluates the important assumptions.Identifies and carefully evaluates the important assumptions. 5. Identifies & evaluates EVIDENCEFails to correctly identify data and information that counts as evidence for truth-claims (AND/OR) fails to evaluate its credibility.Correctly identifies data and information that counts as evidence but fails to highlight its relative importance and/or link them with theoretical concepts and frameworks.Correctly identifies important evidence, highlights its relative importance, and makes an attempt at linking evidence to theoretical concepts and frameworks. Correctly identifies and rigorously evaluates important evidence, successfully linking the evidence to theoretical concepts and frameworks while providing new or alternative data or information for consideration.6. Identifies & evaluates IMPLICATIONS (What does this mean?)Fails to identify implications, conclusions, or consequences of the issue.Suggests some implications, conclusions, or consequences of the issue.Identifies and briefly evaluates many implications, conclusions, or consequences of the issue.Identifies and thoroughly evaluates implications, conclusions, or consequences of the issue.  * Adapted from Washington State Universitys Critical Thinking Project  56:OT\f}ym_P_my_C4_hzh&SCJOJQJaJh&SCJOJQJ\aJhzh&SCJOJQJaJhzh&S5OJQJ\h&SCJOJQJaJh=|h&SCJOJQJaJ0jh=|h&SCJOJQJUaJmHnHuhh&S5CJOJQJaJhjhjCJOJQJaJhH5CJOJQJaJ(jhsch&SCJUaJmHnHuhsch&S5CJOJQJaJh'r5CJOJQJaJ6\f} $$Ifa$gd&S $Ifgd&S $Ifgd&S$a$gd   8 C D E I M Q R G H \ f t   ׺vjjhx|&CJOJQJaJh=|h!'CJOJQJaJh!'CJOJQJaJh&S5CJOJQJaJh=|h&S5CJOJQJaJh&SCJOJQJaJh=|h&SCJOJQJaJhzh&S5OJQJ\hzh&SCJOJQJaJh&SCJOJQJ\aJhzh&SOJQJ\( D E 5,,, $Ifgd&Skd$$Ifl4ֈH&16(   @  t0D744 laytuE Q R H  y , # .*FfFf $Ifgd&S ! 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